We need your help keeping all our wonderful cactus friends warm over the winters and creating indoor meditation and sharemony space!

Greetings Friends,
A few years ago, a vision came to me to propagate Sacred Plants. I was healing from a knee transplant when I decided to crack some Wachuma seeds I had in my drawer. I was constrained to my bedroom and had lost contact with the outside world. Cracking the tiny Wachuma seeds changed my entire healing experience. I woke up every day excited to see my little friends. They gave me vision of spreading their love to every living room in this world. I started cracking seeds every new moon for the next 3 years! I am now care-taking over 15,000 Wachuma babies of more than 300 different kinds and hybrids! I have run out of space and am in need of a greenhouse. I have manifested an amazing garden space next to Wellsprings in Ashland, OR and am ready to build a Sacred Ceremonial Greenhouse for us and the plants to commune in sharemony within.
Cactus friends, Please help us build this vision!!! We are grateful for all support - financial and physical. See below how you can get involved.
All Good Medicine,
Nathan Tinder
Goal: $8888 by 10/1/2019
Greenhouse erect by 10/15/2019
You can send donations to herbalshannon@yahoo.com via Paypal or Venmo. Please note in comments "cactus love." Cash or check donations can be given or made out to Nathan Tinder, 528 Altamont St, Ashland OR 97520. All donations over $100 receive a cactus baby of your own to love and nurture. We also welcome your time and efforts in helping winterize this galactic garden. Sharemonies will begin in November.
For more info, contact Nathan Tinder 707.499.1638 - sacredlivingcenter@gmail.com.
